dimanche 1 novembre 2009

Software definitions

What is software ?

Software is a general term for the various kinds of programs used to operate computers and related devices. (The term hardware describes the physical aspects of computers and related devices.)
Software can be thought of as the variable part of a computer and hardware the invariable part. Software is often divided into application software (programs that do work users are directly interested in) and system software (which includes operating systems and any program that supports application software). The term middleware is sometimes used to describe programming that mediates between application and system software or between two different kinds of application software (for example, sending a remote work request from an application in a computer that has one kind of operating system to an application in a computer with a different operating system).

An additional and difficult-to-classify category of software is the utility, which is a small useful program with limited capability. Some utilities come with operating systems. Like applications, utilities tend to be separately installable and capable of being used independently from the rest of the operating system.

applets are small applications that sometimes come with the operating system as "accessories." They can also be created independently using the Java or other programming languages.

Software can be purchased or acquired as shareware (usually intended for sale after a trial period), liteware (shareware with some capabilities disabled), freeware (free software but with copyright restrictions), public domain software (free with no restrictions), and open source (software where the source code is furnished and users agree not to limit the distribution of improvements).

Software is often packaged on CD-ROMs and diskettes. Today, much purchased software, shareware, and freeware is downloaded over the Internet. A new trend is software that is made available for use at another site known as an application service provider.

What is freeware ?

Freeware is software offered free of charge, downloadable off of the Internet. If the software requires the user to view ads while using the program, it is technically not freeware but adware. Freeware is also different from shareware in that shareware requires a payment if the software is to be used past a trial date.

Though freeware does not require financial compensation, it does have a user license or EULA (End User License Agreement). Each license is specific to the freeware it is bundled with, but some restrictions are common to most programs. For example, most freeware forbids the user to alter the program, repackage it, or sell it. It might allow redistribution, however, as long as the program is unchanged and the license agreement intact.

Understandably, freeware does not often come with technical support, and some programs do not have an extensive Help menu. Many freeware operators write programs in their spare time and do not have the resources to offer tech support. That said, other freeware programs not only have an extensive built-in manual, but they also have their own websites with FAQs and USENET newsgroups dedicated to users helping users. Some authors of freeware personally answer email from end users, though this can't be counted upon.

Often, a program is only available as freeware if it is for personal use, while commercial or business use requires a paid license. It is important to read any license that comes with the freeware program. The license will appear during the initial stages of the installation process. As with most software, freeware is offered "as is" and the user assumes all responsibility for its use.

Freeware has proven to be an incredible benefit to computer users since online services became popular in the late 1980s. Many talented coders report that writing handy programs is an addictive hobby. Others use freeware as a stepping-stone to garner sales for more robust editions offered at a cost. And still other freeware programs bring traffic to sites that rely on a suite of related shareware programs for income.

What is hardware ?

In information technology, hardware is the physical aspect of computers, telecommunications, and other devices. The term arose as a way to distinguish the "box" and the electronic circuitry and components of a computer from the program you put in it to make it do things. The program came to be known as the software.
Hardware implies permanence and invariability. Software or programming can easily be varied. You can put an entirely new program in the hardware and make it create an entirely new experience for the user. You can, however, change the modular configurations that most computers come with by adding new adapters or cards that extend the computer's capabilities.

Like software, hardware is a collective term. Hardware includes not only the computer proper but also the cables, connectors, power supply units, and peripheral devices such as the keyboard, mouse, audio speakers, and printers.

Hardware is sometimes used as a term collectively describing the physical aspects of telephony and telecommunications network infrastructure
What is hardware ?

In information technology, hardware is the physical aspect of computers, telecommunications, and other devices. The term arose as a way to distinguish the "box" and the electronic circuitry and components of a computer from the program you put in it to make it do things. The program came to be known as the software.
Hardware implies permanence and invariability. Software or programming can easily be varied. You can put an entirely new program in the hardware and make it create an entirely new experience for the user. You can, however, change the modular configurations that most computers come with by adding new adapters or cards that extend the computer's capabilities.

Like software, hardware is a collective term. Hardware includes not only the computer proper but also the cables, connectors, power supply units, and peripheral devices such as the keyboard, mouse, audio speakers, and printers.

Hardware is sometimes used as a term collectively describing the physical aspects of telephony and telecommunications network infrastructure

What is shareware ?

Shareware is basically "try before you buy" software. Unlike software marketed through normal retail channels, where you are forced to pay for the product before you've even seen it, the shareware concept lets you try a program for a period of time before you buy it. Once you have tried a shareware program, you know whether it will meet your needs before you pay for it.

Shareware programs are just like programs you find in major stores, catalogs, and other places where people purchase software - except you get to use them, on your own computer, before paying for them.

Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software before buying it. If you try a shareware program and continue using it, you are expected to register (purchase) the program. With registration, you get anything from the simple right to continue using the software to an updated program with printed manual.

Shareware authors are accomplished programmers, just like commercial authors, and the programs are of comparable quality. (In both cases, there are good programs and bad ones!). The main difference is in the method of distribution.

The Shareware concept makes fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy. And because the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware has the ultimate money-back guarantee - if you don't use the product, you don't pay for it!

Prices for shareware vary from program to program, but you will always find the price mentioned somewhere in the files you obtain when you downloaded or were given an evaluation copy. Most of the time the price for the program will be found in a .TXT or .DOC or READ.ME. For Windows programs, this information will probably be found in the .HLP file.

dimanche 25 octobre 2009

FTP Expert

FTP Expert est un logiciel performant qui permet aux usagers d'effectuer des transferts de fichiers de leur ordinateur au serveur Internet. FTP Expert peut se connecter à tous les types de serveurs. Il possède des fonctions uniques et avancées, telles que la connexion sur plusieurs serveurs simultanément. Avec une interface intuitive, FTP Expert rend la navigation sur votre site Internet et le transfert de vos fichiers faciles et agréables.


FlashFXP est l'un des plus puissants clients FTP et FXP. Il est rempli de fonctions pour l'utilisateur avancé mais possède également une interface intuitive qui ne prend que quelques minutes à maîtriser. En utilisant le protocole FTP, vous pouvez transférer des fichiers à partir de serveurs distants sur votre ordinateur ou même sur un autre serveur distant. FlashFXP facilite la mise à jour de votre site Web, le téléchargement de fichiers à partir du serveur de votre société ou même le téléchargement, à partir d'Internet, de fichiers que vous n'avez pas réussi à télécharger en utilisant votre navigateur habituel. Il vous permet de transférer des fichiers entre deux sites (FXP), de reprendre des téléchargements incomplets, de synchroniser des répertoires, de programmer plusieurs tâches, etc.


FileZilla est un client FTP libre et simple d'utilisation qui permettra aux débutants comme aux utilisateurs confirmés de se connecter à distance sur un serveur afin d'y télécharger des fichiers. Cette application particulièrement riche en fonctionnalités supporte le glisser-déposer, les protocoles SSL et SSH et permet de reprendre les mises à jour et téléchargements interrompus y compris pour les fichiers de taille conséquente (supérieurs à 4 Go). Grâce au gestionnaire de sites intégré, vous accèderez plus rapidement aux adresses auxquelles vous vous connectez de façon régulière. Enfin, il est possible d'ajuster les vitesses de transfert en fonction de vos besoins.


Opera est un navigateur Web puissant et extrêmement complet. Doté d'une interface conviviale et personnalisable et d'un système de navigation par onglets, il intègre une multitude de fonctionnalités : client de courrier électronique (POP3, IMAP et SMTP), chat IRC, lecteur de flux RSS, recherche instantanée, blocage de contenu indésirable, aperçu sous forme de vignette, et bien plus. Un gestionnaire de téléchargements vous permettra de gérer l'ensemble de vos transferts, notamment via Bittorent, puisque le réseau est supporté par le navigateur !

Cette nouvelle mouture du navigateur Opera optimise le chargement des pages Internet, les fonctionnalités à destination des développeurs et la sécurité du surf. Avec la fonction Opera Turbo, vous accédez plus rapidement aux pages Web grâce à la compression des images qui les composent. Avec DragonFly, analysez la structure de votre site Internet, ou ceux de la concurrence, en décomposant les div et leurs règles CSS, à l'image du célèbre Firebug pour Firefox. Obtenez facilement toutes les informations de sécurité du site que vous visitez, avec ses certificats, ses références et sa position géographique. Utilisez Speed Dial, un nouveau système d'onglets avec des sites préchargés, pour faire votre revue de web. Renseignez Opera de vos informations Webmail pour que votre navigateur devienne un client web qui vous évite d'avoir à vous logger sur votre fournisseur à chaque fois que vous souhaitez envoyer un email. Activez des widgets, des petits programmes qui vous donne la météo, des flux RSS et bien d'autres choses encore. Enfin, notez que c'est l'un des très rares navigateur Internet qui réussi le test ACID 3 à 100%, un test de vérification de compatibilité avec les technologies web du W3C

Internet Explorer

Microsoft lance la nouvelle version de son navigateur. En plus des fonctionnalités classiques de navigation, vous disposerez de nombreux outils et services accessibles via le menu contextuel :
recherche et partage d'information sur des sites spécialisés tels que Facebook, Digg, Windows Live Spaces, etc.
affichage cartographique à partir d'adresses
envoi par e-mail, etc.
Un module de flux RSS nommé Webslices vous alerte des mises à jour d'une partie de site que vous aurez sélectionné. Pour les créateurs de sites, Internet Explorer propose un nouveau moteur de rendu HTML, une meilleure compatibilité avec les feuilles de style CSS 2.1, une barre d'outils orientée développement comportant un débug HTML, des feuilles de style, et un environnement de développement visuel Javascript. A noter une option de sauvegarde d'onglets qui peut s'avérer très pratique en cas de plantage.

Flash Player

Flash Player permet de consulter des sites Web dernière génération, intégrant de la vidéo, du texte, du son et des graphiques interactifs. Flash est un standard incontournable puisqu'il est déjà installé sur 98 % des ordinateurs de bureau. Si vous avez des difficultés avec l'installation du plugin, vous pouvez consulter une aide en ligne.